Tip this...
So I frequent the Wal-Mart of Coffee Shops since I'm on the road a lot. I'm not the football audible calling type (Non-Fat, Mocha Latte, no foam, Splenda'd, double cupped, with an extra shot, hut-hut), so I usually have a total under 2 Bucks. Well the other day in Slidell, Louisiana, an over pierced, multi hair colored, college dropout looks directly at me and asked if I was going to tip her. I was like "Que?" She continued "I think you should tip me because I don't make a whole lot and we work hard here." Well besides catering to the local legal drug addicts, I can't equate what she was doing to hard work. I felt like telling her "Look puta, come lift some cleaning chemicals across the street at the HD during a reset for 8 hours, and then tell me if you deserve a tip." I bit my tongue because there were 10 people in line, and I didn't want to get ethnic on the beotch.
It really got me thinking though, what deserves a tip? How can someone pouring coffee get a buck tip (tax free I might add), but the dude lifting a 70 lb box in your car at HD never gets offered a penny? Inequities....
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