Tuesday, February 27, 2007


- Why do people in SA refer to the Spurs as if they are on the team by using the word "WE". Like "WE won by 15. WE have 3 rings. WE have the best record after the All-Star break". Who the hell put you on the team? If you are on the team, why are you 5'5" and 250 el bees?

-I'm at the Spurs game against the Raptors last night, trying to get back to our seats. There is 4 minutes, and a 65+ lady looks up at me and shakes her head for interrupting the game. She says "where could you possibly be sitting". I apologized to her for being so rude during a game that was so tight and exciting. The Spurs were up by 25.

-Donny O bought some dope Addidas Shell Toes. Well, I thought they were until I saw the back of them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Spurs!

10:56 PM  

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